FMA - Filipino Martial Arts

Posted by on Aug 11th 2022

FMA - Filipino Martial Arts

In the Philippines, fighting with objects like sticks and knives is a historic past time. They made an art around it and we are ever so gracious. Where would we be without training and practice with knives? Where would we be without our training knives learning these amazing skills? 

Because people like you are partaking in these kinds of skills in classes and training sessions all over the world, you're making this style of fighting ever so popular. So popular that they have been popping up everywhere in movies, presentations, and social media. 

“You’ve probably seen it, and didn’t even know it,” said Belton Lubas, a high-level practitioner and FMA instructor in Bellevue.

"While it may not be well-known, FMA has been used in many popular movies."

"In practice, FMA includes the use of sticks, blunt objects, and blades. The stick is the symbol of the blade. “When you practice with the stick, you practice with the lines [involved in stabbing or slicing your opponent with a blade]” said Lubas. It is a very combat-effective art and is known for its use of adapting to situations, overcoming dangers, and improvising the use of weapons when needed."

Thanks to your support, this industry is growing more and more and we're excited to be a part of it. We couldn't do any of this without you! Thank you.

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Check out our military trainers that have been used in movies here:

Training Knives